Ph: (248) 623-1453

Doug's Tree and Lawn Care Service

Backyard Mosquito Control

The real value in owning a MistAway® Mosquito Misting system is being able to enjoy an evening cookout or send your kids out to play after dinner without even thinking about mosquitoes, noseeums, other biting insects. . . or your mosquito misting control system.
The revolutionary automatic mosquito misting system that effectively eliminates mosquitoes and other biting insects from your yard.

When you want to take in the pleasures of your yard - patio or pool, fun with kids or parties with adults - you can do so in complete comfort, without being at the mercy of annoying insects, mosquitoes, no-see-ums and their painful bites.
Doug's Tree and Lawn Care is a trained installer and servicer for MistAway’s mosquito misting systems.

In addition to being routinely replenished with insecticide during the mosquito season, the misting control unit and nozzle circuit must be periodically maintained, and in some climates, winterized.
Yes! iMistaway is the latest advancement in mosquito misting technology.

iMistAway can be controlled with a smartphone app that allows you to trigger a remote mist, change the system mode, and quickly contact your dealer.

compact systems




Try MistAway® Mosquito Control System
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